Francja: Na obiad z Karolem III w Wersalu przybyli Hugh Grant, Charlotte Gainsbourg i Mick Jagger
Na obiad na cześć króla Karola III i królowej Camilli do Pałacu w Wersalu na zaproszenie prezydenta Emmanuela Macrona i pierwszej damy Brigitte w środę wieczorem przybyli piosenkarze, projektanci mody, politycy i aktorzy, Hugh Grant, Charlotte Gainsbourg i Mick Jagger.
Emmanuel i Brigitte Macron oraz król Karol III z królową Camillą weszli razem do zamku w Wersalu, gdzie w kaplicy królewskiej wzięli udział w muzycznym przerywniku, a następnie udali się do ogromnej sali lustrzanej na uroczystą kolację.
Wśród 150-180 zaproszonych gości byli premier Francji Elisabeth Borne, brytyjski aktor Hugh Grant, francusko-brytyjska aktorka Charlotte Gainsbourg, fotograf Yann Arthus Bertrand, walijski pisarz Ken Follett, gwiazda zespołu Rolling Stones Mick Jagger, aktor Guillaume Gallienne i skrzypek Renaud Capucon.
Świat sportu reprezentowali tenisistka Amelie Mauresmo, zwyciężczyni turnieju Wimbledonu w 2006 roku, i Arsene Wenger, menedżer londyńskiego Arsenalu od 22 lat, piłkarze Patrick Vieira i Didier Drogba, czy Tony Estanguet, przewodniczący komitetu organizacyjnego Igrzysk Olimpijskich w Paryżu w 2024 r., Marie-Amelie Le Fur, przewodnicząca Francuskiego Komitetu Paraolimpijskiego i Sportu, a także Francuska Federacja Rugby.
Zaproszeni zostali również szefowie domów mody Chanel czy Dior oraz najbogatszy z Francuzów, szef koncernu LVMH Bernard Arnault.
epa10872904 Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger (R) and his partner Melanie Hamrick (L) arrive at the Palace of Versailles before a state banquet hosted by the French president and his wife in honor of the British king and queen, in Versailles, France, 20 September 2023, on the first day of a state visit to the country. The British royal couple’s three-day state visit was initially planned for March 2023 and postponed due to widespread demonstrations in France against the government’s pension reforms. EPA/CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.epa10872913 French actor Charlotte Gainsbourg arrives at the Palace of Versailles before a state banquet hosted by the French president and his wife in honor of the British king and queen, in Versailles, France, 20 September 2023, on the first day of a state visit to the country. The British royal couple’s three-day state visit was initially planned for March 2023 and postponed due to widespread demonstrations in France against the government’s pension reforms. EPA/CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.epa10873013 British actor Hugh Grant (L) and his wife Swedish producer Anna Elisabet Eberstein arrive at the Palace of Versailles before a state banquet hosted by the French president and his wife in honor of the British king and queen, in Versailles, France, 20 September 2023, on the first day of a state visit to the country. The British royal couple’s three-day state visit was initially planned for March 2023 and postponed due to widespread demonstrations in France against the government’s pension reforms. EPA/CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.epaselect epa10872492 (L-R) Britain’s Queen Camilla and King Charles III, French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Macron pose at the Palace of Versailles before a state banquet hosted by the French president and his wife in honor of the British king and queen, in Versailles, France, 20 September 2023, on the first day of a state visit to the country. The British royal couple’s three-day state visit was initially planned for March 2023 and postponed due to widespread demonstrations in France against the government’s pension reforms. EPA/CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.epa10873003 Strasbourg’s French head coach Patrick Vieira arrives at the Palace of Versailles before a state banquet hosted by the French president and his wife in honor of the British king and queen, in Versailles, France, 20 September 2023, on the first day of a state visit to the country. The British royal couple’s three-day state visit was initially planned for March 2023 and postponed due to widespread demonstrations in France against the government’s pension reforms. EPA/CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.epa10873018 French businessman Yannick Bollore (R) and his wife Chloe Bouygues arrive at the Palace of Versailles before a state banquet hosted by the French president and his wife in honor of the British king and queen, in Versailles, France, 20 September 2023, on the first day of a state visit to the country. The British royal couple’s three-day state visit was initially planned for March 2023 and postponed due to widespread demonstrations in France against the government’s pension reforms. EPA/CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.epa10872949 Britain’s Queen Camilla attends a state dinner in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles, in Versailles, near Paris, France, 20 September 2023, on the first day of a state visit to the country. The British royal couple’s three-day state visit was initially planned for March 2023 and postponed due to widespread demonstrations in France against the government’s pension reforms. EPA/BENOIT TESSIER / POOL MAXPPP OUT
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.epa10872951 Brigitte Macron, wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, attends a state dinner in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles, in Versailles, near Paris, France, 20 September 2023, on the first day of a state visit to the country. The British royal couple’s three-day state visit was initially planned for March 2023 and postponed due to widespread demonstrations in France against the government’s pension reforms. EPA/BENOIT TESSIER / POOL MAXPPP OUT
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.epa10872897 French President Emmanuel Macron (R) and Britain’s King Charles III attend a state dinner in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles, in Versailles, near Paris, France, 20 September 2023, on the first day of a state visit to the country. The British royal couple’s three-day state visit was initially planned for March 2023 and postponed due to widespread demonstrations in France against the government’s pension reforms. EPA/BENOIT TESSIER / POOL MAXPPP OUT
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
Uroczysta kolacja w Wersalu jest jednym z najważniejszych punktów wizyty brytyjskiego króla we Francji. W 1957 r. w tej samej wystawnej scenerii podejmowano także matkę króla, Elżbietę II. „Król jest wyczulony na ideę podążania śladami swojej matki” – podkreślał Pałac Elizejski.
Goście degustowali wyrafinowane menu serwowane na porcelanie z Sevres na stole o długości 62 metrów. W menu przygotowywanym przez najlepszych szefów kuchni były niebieski homar, kraby z welonem ze świeżych migdałów i mięty, drób Bresse z kukurydzą z zapiekanką z borowików, ser z Maison Antony; trzydziestomiesięczny Comte, sery kozie oraz brytyjski stichelton. Na deser – makaroniki różane Ispahan, do których podano sorbet z lichi.
Dziennik „Le Figaro” podał, że francuskie wina i szampany były podawana w kryształowych kieliszkach Baccarat, szampan Pol Roger cuvee Winston Churchill 2013, Batard Montrachet grand cru 2018 z posiadłości Oliviera Leflaive oraz Chateau Mouton Rothschild rocznik 2004, którego etykietę butelki zdobi akwarela stworzona przez samego króla Karola, gdy był jeszcze księciem Walii.